This qualification is registered at level 3 on the National Qualification Framework. It provides learners with the opportunity to obtain competence in broad fruit packing and grading processes and practices, namely receiving, handling, packing, storing, grading and dispatching of fruit and provides opportunity for learners to grow in this specific field.
The learner will be able to integrate supervisory knowledge and skills with those specific to the fruit packing industry, ensuring the business they operate in is running smoothly. It also enables the learner to use competencies, which will facilitate growth of the business.
The qualification focuses on the skills, knowledge, values and attitude required to progress further in the industry. The intention is to release the potential of people, in order for them to grow, develop and become more competent workers. This qualification will furthermore add value to the individuals, their workplace and the economy as a whole.
Rationale for the Qualification
This qualification is aimed at people who are working in the fruit packing industry or who would like to start a career in the industry. It is aimed at formalising the skills required in the fruit packing industry to facilitate career pathing and to provide access to new entrants. Learners at lower levels will obtain the necessary skills and competencies through skills programs. The qualification provides learners with access to advanced learning in specialised areas within the fruit packing and processing industry. It also provides learners with the necessary background knowledge and skills to be portable within other industries.
Through the above the qualification will address one of the key priorities of the Department of Labour in the reduction of unemployment and under employment. It will assist in creating job opportunities and to create a better nation at large.