Plant Production
The purpose of this qualification is to allow Supervisors to progress towards a Junior Farm Manager position with specific reference to Plant Production. The contexualised purpose and usage of the qualification is as follows:
- A learner assessed against this qualification will have the necessary competence to manage Supervisors and working teams, performing the agricultural processes as applicable to Plant production in a range of Plant Production taking responsibility for the quality and quantity of outputs.
- The Learner will be able to take complete responsibility for her/his own actions and also take responsibility for supervising others at lower levels within an Plant Production context under broad guidance and evaluation.
- Competency will be gained in any of the specialized sub-fields of Plant Production as specified under Areas Of Specialization (i.e. Vegetables, Fruit Production, Hydroponics, etc.) with a strong focus on management.
- The learner will be able to take responsible decisions within a wide range based on a sound understanding of the basic principles of agri-business and good agricultural practices, in meeting the set objectives and targets within the broader farm plan which includes the economical application of general resources, agricultural production and technical knowledge and skills, all in an Plant Production context.
- The Learner will be able to oversee the implementation of a wide range of procedures and will be able to ensure the relevant safety, quality, hygiene and technical standards as applicable within the industry.
- In addition to the above, the learner will be well positioned to extend learning and practice into other sub-fields such as Plant Production and Mixed Farming, since such efforts will only require additional learning within the elective scope of other qualifications at this level.
- The learner will be well positioned to progress towards higher levels of Management and Technical production practices as defined by qualifications at the next level.
- Learners will be enabled to actively participate in the Primary Agricultural Sector through the production of quality agricultural products, enhancing the overall agricultural process and gain opportunities to access local, national and international agricultural markets.
- This qualification will allow qualifying learners to become economically active in farming practices that will have a direct impact on Local Economic Development through the production of food, the improvement of household food security and access to mainstream agriculture.
- Finally, Learners will be able to guide and direct others in terms of the planning, implementation and control of development projects within a Plant Production context
.Rationale for the Qualification
The range of typical learners that will enter this qualification will vary and includes:
- Farm operators who wish to progress to the level of junior farm manager;
- Learners in possession of different levels of practical experience in farming operations, which will be assessed and RPL’ed;
- School leavers (Gr. 12) from agricultural schools; and
- Learners may come from both genders.
The learner will engage in farm management and operational activities relevant to Plant Production.
Requests and expressions of need for this qualification, coming from the broad, but also specific farming communities (Plant Production) forms the basis for the development of this qualification.
This qualification will form the basis for learners to extend their learning into more specialised areas of plant production and provides the basis of the establishment of sustainable farming operations through the inclusion of a wide spectrum of competencies required by farmers in South Africa. Whilst technical production orientated competencies are ensured, other aspects such as agri-business and good agricultural practices are included in the range of competencies required by farmers in order to enable them to strive towards agricultural management standards and practices at higher levels.
Competent qualifying learners in this qualification will oversee quality agricultural products in Plant Production whereby enhancing the overall agricultural process and gain opportunities to access local, national and international agricultural markets.